Since 2017 and for always, LIC Coalition often testifies en masse at Queens Community Board 2 around issues of resiliency, sustainability, open space, and economic and social justice. The two videos here are from a particular evening when members of LICC and Western Queens Community Land Trust asked CB2 to craft a resolution “Public Land for Public Use” as strongly recommended by Congress Member Carolyn Maloney. See the entire meeting HERE. HERE is where you can view archives of all CB2 meetings.

Congress Member Carolyn Maloney
Congress Member Carolyn Maloney calls for CB2 Resolution: Public Land for Public Purpose

On September 3, 2020 by unanimous vote Queens CB2 approved a report titled LIC Waterfront Development: Comments on Proposed Plans which strongly advocates that public land should be for public use.

LIC Coalition sets up a table at Jacob Reis Community Center for the art project honoring Queens Values community day.

LIC coalition then created a flag making event at Ten10 Studios during LIC Springs 2017. And then the flags were hung at Gantry Park (below)
State Senator Mike Gianaris helps us hang flags.

2017 to this day LIC Coalition often gathers for postcard writing on a wide range of topics.

Working at the federal level, LICC created an event around saving health care. Education long with signatures and personal accounts were collected to send to US Senators. day was spent collecting the day. A digital click to call campaign was utilized to encourage constituents of Congress members from Staten Island and Long Island who were on the fence. This eventually flipped the vote. Saving health care.

LICC testified at a public meeting about lack of schools held at MoMA PS1. The panel consisted of the NYC School Authority, Economic Development Corporation, Cathy Nolan and Gantry Parent Association.

President education conference with Chancellor Caranza. LIC Coalition is here advocating for the DOE to become an educational mecca.

In 2018, tensions were high between Hunters Point and Court Square residents over lack of schools. Watch Cathy Nolan hold and calm the room. Lack of Schools Town Hall at MoMA PS1 2018


2017, the petition around This was the first time the DOE DOE parking lot and the DOT site on 44th drive envisioned.  See that vision HERE and sign the petition.

Public event with LIC Coalition and League of Woman Voters of NY to learn to organize. Thanks to this workshop LICC held voter registration events!

David Fleischer Ted Talk on Deep Canvassing
LIC Coalition hosted a Deep Canvassing workshop with David Fleischer on the techniques of reaching out to voters. See a sample presentation HERE.

First of many intimate town halls this one here is with HPCC, CSCA, JFAC and LICC.
LIC Coalition discussing with Congresswoman Maloney the potential of a federally funded park on public land.

At the 2018 LIC Springs event LIC Coalition talked with the community about climate change and development concerns in the community. Water quality sewage issues and sunny day flooding were a few of the topics. There was an interactive game with prizes highlighting the concern that sewage overflows go directly into the East River.

Did you know that all of LIC Sewer system is an open sewer system, hence this flyer? Unfortunately the city plan to keep sewage out of the East River will not be implemented for another 60-70 years. We learned this at our Blue Room meeting.

LIC Coalition shows up to testify on behalf of the Small Jobs Business Act. The commitment to public testimony can take an entire day!

LICC gathers with others to prepare for the 2018 Woman’s March.

Members getting psyched to get to the march.

The rally for Public Land for Public Use was a follow-up to our visioning Petition and the launching had to highlight our deepest concerns in Long Island City.

Pat Irwin and J. Walter Hawkes play Wide Open Sky as part of our rally Public Land for Public Use. Video courtesy of Stephen Speliotis.

Next we took our rally to the steps of City Hall.

Stakeholder representatives were invited to the Blue Room and we shared our full spectrum of concerns. LICC learned that the various agencies had been working in silos. We had to ask 5 times during this discussion when we were going to discuss about climate change.

Here was have LICC and HPCC arriving at City Hall for a Blue Room meeting.

2018, LICC testifies to the State Senate around the Farm Bill. While working with local environmental organizations, our excitement grew thanks to the solution-based, sustainable activities and programs associated with Smiling Hogshead Ranch and Billion Dollar Oyster Project.   

Smiling Hogs head Ranch May Day Celebration

LICC, HPCC, HPCA, and CSCA engaged a consultant to gather statistics and analyze the Draft Scope Of Work – Environmental Impact Statement for the Anable Basin Rezoning. This resulted in a response titled: “Outline Of Concerns Of Hunters Point Community”. See document here.

2018, two workshops, supported by Municipal Arts Society, that brought together stakeholders to bridge the needs and vision of residents of NYCHA and those of Hunters Point to explore and protect overdevelopment without commensurate infrastructure, resiliency and open space through the use of comprehensive planning on undeveloped public land.

LICC members prepping for MAS workshop
Justice for All/MAS’s first workshop at Variety Boys & Girls Club of Queens.
Young Talent at JFA and MSA Event

Community members break out into individual groups to identify needs and concerns.
Saying good night at the end of the workshop, so many groups represented in this photo!

2018, LICC created ‘The Box’ an ever-evolving way to present hard copies of reports and documents in our direct meetings with local, state and federal politicians.

2018, LIC Coalition hired an expert on resiliency and open space to collate and add to stakeholder testimonies for an Environmental Impact Statement draft scope around potential Anable Basin Rezoning. Read report HERE.

[insert nice lIC generic shot – more environmental one!]

2019, LIC Coalition intensifies its state engagement through testimony to the Senate in favor of the Community Climate Protection Act. Click to read our testimonies HERE and HERE.

2019, LIC Coalition responds to Amazon coming to Long Island City.

2019, EDC meeting about Sunnyside Yards with LIC Coalition at The Chocolate Factory.

2020, One of the Black Lives Matter rallies we joined in our neighborhood.

2021, during COVID LICC entered an international competition with BloxHub, out of 2000 applicants LIC Coalition. []creen t o

May 2022, at the Western Queens Community Land Trust presentation, LICC testified in support of Public Land for Public Use.

Multiple organizations including LICC testified around repurposing the DOE building as a community asset.