Hunters Point Community Coalition (HPCC) is a local, non-profit organization that is closely affiliated with LIC Coalition and serves as LICC’s administrative and financial arm. Since 1985, HPCC has worked with a broad cross-section of the community’s residential and business constituents to champion holistic development, cutting-edge environmental planning, green infrastructure, and open space. For more information about Hunters Point Community Coalition’s history and the groundbreaking community service, click HERE.
Hunters Point Community Coalition was established in March of 1990, by individuals, community groups, and businesses in response to the City‘s proposal for the western Queens Waterfront Development Project, now known as Queens West. HPCC’s mission is to preserve the uniqueness of the Hunters Point neighborhood through community-based development and to protect its residents and businesses from the damaging effects of the proposals in the Queens West area.
The Coalition opposes the overwhelming scale and unmanageable density of this Hunters Point mega-redevelopment project in an area already plagued by fragile environmental conditions. To address these issues, HPCC developed the community-generated Alternate Plan. The plan promoted, not only citizen participation, but genuine community-based planning for a publicly-sponsored redevelopment project. HPCC championed community influence over development plans.
Hunter Point Community Coalition was an early pioneer of envisioning the sound, secure and sustainable landscaping of Queens West. HPCC has increased funding to urban waterfront revitalization and been an inspiration for our work
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In the late 1990s, the members of Hunters Point Community has pioneered the proposed Cove Habitat Restoration project on a city-owned 3.5 acre site on the waterfront. HPCC commissioned studies and budgets and renderings and the proposal received broad support from elected officials, department heads, community board, city agencies and landowners. LINK to the Anable Cove Habitat Restoration Project by HPCC.
The Anable Cove Habitat Restoration project was a proposal to transform an unused city-owned, waterfront property into a publicaly accessible refuge accommodating the natural ecology of the East River and its potential wildlife activity. The proposed plan calls for preparation of the site to receive plant species native to briny tidal wetlands, the creation of walkways, (both on land and over water) and the construction of a facility kiosk. The plan was initiated by the Hunters Point Community Coalition (a local, not for profit, neighborhood preservation organization) and would be executed by the New York City Parks Department.
The visionary position held over twenty years remains a secure and relevant option: “This proposal [Cove Habitat Restoration project], although many years old, meets the objectives the community has been expressing in response to “YourLIC” presentations- water absorbing measures to address sea-level rise due to climate change, a natural area equitably accessible to all neighboring communities, open space ample enough to finally improve the deficit ratio (not make it worse) and in conjunction with the DOE building provide environmental education and training at all levels serving the entire community.
“With regard to the current debate, this collection of documents can illustrate how both “YourLIC” and Economic Development Corporation have ignored the community in their zeal to meet only the demands of the developers. The Annable Cove Habitat Restoration was on CB2’s “Statement of Needs” list for well over a decade. The entities supposedly working on our behalf do not even make mention of it.”

St a t e m e n t
It appears on Community Board 2’s “Statement of Needs” list as a publically accessible natural habitat.
The site provides an excellent opportunity to show that natural habitat can coexist with very dense human activity.
Just to the north, an outcropping of land provides a natural buffer to tidal currents and boat wakes creating a haven for tidal wetland ecology. The absence of human activity has already allowed the presence of blue claw crab, some marshland grasses and an occasional heron. The proposal would foster this nascent natural habitat by undergoing a planting program sensitive to the needs of wildlife. It would include low and high marsh grasses, maritime species and upland shrub/tree forest. The walkways would be a natural material under the guidelines of handicap accessibility. The kiosk facility would be unobtrusive and house a toilet and space for interpretive information.
Most important, this habitat would be the first of its kind in the inner city and may be the only opportunity for some city residents to learn the importance of environmental protection. Equally relevant, this open space will act as a balance and enhancer to the intense development planned for the water front. It will connect to an esplanade at both ends and improve neighborhood quality of life resulting in direct benefits to proposed development.
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2021, Hunters Point Community Coalition founder was interviewed by the 2021 Community Board 2 Environmental Committee and its Chair for … I suggest reaching out to Frank and asking him to send you a link of the CB2 environmental committee where they invited Tom from HPCC to educate about geothermal. That would be a WORTHY and a recent link. Educational as well.
2017, Reiterated the Anable Cove Habitat Restoration Project
2005, the Hunters point community coalitions proposal for the Annabelle Cove restoration project has been excepted for the fall 2005 design program. With the goal of converting the three. 5 acre site into Parkland as well as restoring its natural habitat and that it will create a unique invaluable waterfront destination.
2005, join The hunters point community coalition New Yorkers for parks and city College of New York for habitat restoration community design workshop. Need your input !
2000, garnered early support from local and state officials for habitat restoration projects throughout the coastal area of Anabel Cove, including but not withstanding:
New York State, Department of State’s Division of Coastal Resources focus on
2001, HPCC and Queens City Planning approached NYC Parks & Recreation about the possibility of pursuing acquisition of waterfront property at Anabel Cove at 44th Drive. The organization acquired official guidance on obtaining Anabel Cove from the City Administrative Services through a transfer to the Parks.
And researched and identified funds for the planning and design aspect of the project for which it may have been eligible, including but not withstanding: Environmental Protection fund assistance and Clean Water / Clean Bond act funds.
2000, Offered Parks Department a rigorous budget projection required to stabilize Anabel Cove and convert it to safe, passive natural waterfront use but needed commitment to do the necessary design and stabilization work. Wishes to Parks & Recreation continues to support the concept of creating waterfront access in this area of Queens. Budgets realized but not funded. Secure funds once the area was deemed safe and publicly accessible property.
Hunters Point Community Coalition was established in March of 1990.